Photo Credits
If you're anything like me, you looked at some of the gorgeous photos here on the Paris Personally site and thought, "Wow!" Well, I'm going to let you in on a little secret...I'm a great guide but a lousy photographer. Like the song says, I get by with a little help from my friends...and even some strangers. And since I believe in giving credit where credit is due, here's a who's who of photo credits for this site, made lovely by their work.
Cover photo, Pont Alexandre III by Léonard Cotte
About Gina page:
Photo of fountain and Eiffel Tower by Omid Lofti
Photos of Gina by Anntoinette Lorrain
Why Paris Personally, Eiffel Tower & Gina Hunt photos
by Anntoinette Lorrain
-Bottom photo by Gina Hunt
Tours Cover page & Individual Tour pages:
Orientation tour cover photo by Etienne Sauthier
Orientation tour page photo by Sebastien Gabriel
Empty Nester's tour cover photo by Gina Hunt
-Montmartre homes by Gina Hunt
-Jardin du Palais Royal by Gina Hunt
-Bridge, Pont Royal, by Anthony Delanoix
-Dinner by Jay Wennington
Classic Paris cover photo by Anntoinette Lorrain
Classic Paris page photos by:
- Eiffel Tower - Jacob Peters Lehm
- Louvre - Cuong DUONG Viet
- Montmartre, Lamarck Caulaincourt metro - John Towner
- Sacré Coeur Basilica - 8300
Historic Paris page photos by:
- Arc de Triomphe - Stevie Ekkelkamp
- Palais Royal - Anthony Delanoix
Literary Paris photo by John Towner
Literary Paris page photos by:
- Saint-Genviève Library - John Towner
- Bookstore - lovelyheewon
- Book seller along the Seine - Benh
- Grave site of Oscar Wilde - Max Pixel
Shopping Paris photo of Galeries Lafaette by Alessandro Clemenz, other photos by Gina Hunt
Christmas in Paris photo of Galeries Lafeyette by Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke
Christmas in Paris page photo of Galeries Lafayette by Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke, other photos on this page by Gina Hunt
Architecture and Gardens Louvre photo by Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke
Architecture and Gardens page, Luxembourg Gardens planter by Penny
O'Brien, all other photos by Gina Hunt
Macaron cover photo by Adrianna Calvo
-Macaron photos by Adrianna Calvo & OyeHaHa
-Champagne - Didgeman
-Croissant - Herryway
-Cheese - Darren Coleshill
Tour pricing large photo by John Towner
I'm Here tour photo by Jace Grandinetti
Half-day tour photo by Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke
Full day tour photo by - 8300
Contact page photo by Pedro Lastra
Photos this page by Gina Hunt
To all of these generous, talented artists, an enormous thank you!
Music on Home and Testimonials page: "C'est Si Bon" performed by Earl Klugh

In some cases, photographer's names were not given. If a photo that you have taken appears here but your name does not, please contact me to either have credit given or, if you prefer, to have the photo removed.